How to Get Homeowners Insurance to Pay for a New Roof

So, you’re looking at a damaged roof. That’s not fun, but we’re not past the point of all hope. It can be fixed, and even though the prospect of repairing a roof sounds expensive, there are resources that can help. Chief among those resources is your homeowner’s insurance. It’s there for a reason, and roofing claims are quite common. 

There’s a process you can follow to try and get some money out of your insurance company to help cover roof repairs. Dealing with insurance companies, however, can be totally frustrating or shockingly pleasant. In order to prepare yourself for both, you can learn a little more about the claims process and pick up a few tips to help you convince your insurer to shell out some cash.

Check Your Policy

Not all roofing problems are covered by any given policy. You have to know the terms before you can win this battle. If your situation is clearly spelled out as not covered in your policy, you may be out of luck. But if things aren’t so clear, there’s a fair chance you can get your insurance company to help pay for repairs (or replacement). The rest of these tips can help, but it’s best to start by reviewing your policy.

Document the Damage

Insurance companies find pictures very compelling. Very compelling. If you’re reading this and don’t think you have roof damage, go take some pictures of your roof. These are your before pictures, and they’re invaluable.

Even if you don’t have before pictures, photos of the damage are still extremely useful in the claims process. Timestamps are even better because you can correlate the clearly visible damage with an event (like a hail storm). 

Aside from pictures, documentation is going to run this show. More evidence and documentation will only help your case, so get as much as you can.

Get a Professional Opinion

In fact, one of the best pieces of documentation can come from a professional roofer. An inspection will get a professional assessment of the roof, and that can clearly determine that the roof needs attention. 

You can certainly look around for free roofing consultations, but if you’re in contact with your insurance company, there’s a good chance that they’ll set up an inspection. Even though they’d prefer to not have to pay you to fix the roof, they’d rather deal with that smaller claim than the huge one that occurs if the roof fails. Your insurance company isn’t really an adversary in this venture; they just come with a lot of bureaucracy. A professional statement can help you get through a lot of it.

Check the Age

At this point, you’re knee deep in the claims process. One thing you want to check is your roof’s age. Even if your claim is supported, the age of the roof is going to impact the amount on any checks you receive from the insurer. Every policy is different, so this is only a generalized rule. That said, roofs less than 10 years old are often fully covered. As they age beyond a decade, they will be depreciated, and the amount the insurance company will help you pay for repair or replacement will reflect that depreciation. Even in the face of depreciation, any check is better than no check, so stick it out to the end.

Get an Estimate

You’re already involving roofing contractors in this process. Your insurance company will want an estimate. In many cases, they will want a few estimates so they can compare prices. It’s part of the process, so just prepare yourself to throw some numbers their way.

Fulfill the Claim

If you’ve made it to this point, the insurance company is recognizing the claim. Now it’s just a matter of jumping through the hoops to meet their requirements so you can officially hire your contractor. Those hoops will vary, but it’s usually a matter of providing information, waiting to hear back, and repeating until the insurance company is satisfied. When you reach that point, you can get the roof fixed and get paid by your insurance company. The key is to stay patient through the final stages. Roofing problems can feel stressful, but you have allies in the process.

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